The Contents of the Project

HOMEThe Contents of the ProjectBrief Outline

Brief Outline

What Project?

This is one of top-priority researches, financially supported by the Grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

Main Theme

Economic Analysis of Intergenerational Issues : Searching for Further Development

Director General

Noriyuki Takayama, Distinguished Scholar, Research Institute for Policies on Pension and Aging (RIPPA) ; JRI Pension Research Chair Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University

Abstract of the Research Project

Intergenerational issues have become one of the most immediate and important social concerns over recent periods. This project makes both theoretical and empirical analyses of intergenerational issues from an economic point of view. It addresses pension, health care, employment, fertility, child poverty, fiscal deficit, and technological innovation problems in the context of the population aging/decline. It clarifies current and future intergenerational situations of economic well-being, examines cohort-by-cohort motivations to mitigate intergenerational conflicts, deepens conceptual understanding of intergenerational equity, and provides a new analytical framework to overcome a dilemma between equity and efficiency of intertemporal resource allocation. It also conducts several surveys including the Japanese version of health and retirement studies (The 3rd Wave of JSTAR) and the Longitudinal Survey on Employment and Fertility (LOSEF). It will provide solid measures to achieve intergenerational cooperation, as well.

Term of the Project

April 2010 - March 2015
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