Academic Papers
- 20.Oct.2020 "The Future of Social Security Pensions in Japan: A Review of the 2019 Government Actuarial Report" PDF (284KB)
- 23.Oct.2019 "Cost Sharing Schemes in Japanese Social Security Pensions: A Short Note" (Chinese)
- 23.Jul.2019 "How to Make Pension Systems Financially Sustainable?" (Chinese)
- 11.Sep.2018 "How Do Japanese Learn Lessons from Experiences of Other Countries in Designing Social Security Pensions?" (Chinese)
- 28.Dec.2017 "Major Changes in Japanese Public Pension System: Their Backgrounds and Underlying Philosophies"
(English) PDF (1101KB) (Chinese) PDF (1MB)
- 30.Nov.2017 "The Effects of Early Job Separation on Later Life Outcomes"
(with Fujii, M. and Shiraishi, K.), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies DOI: - 11.Nov.2017 "Several Questions on Basic Ideas of the 1994 World Bank Report Averting the Old Age Crisis"
(English) PDF (971KB) (Chinese) Chinese Social Security Review, 1(4), pp.36-43 PDF (1648KB)
- 06.Jan.2015 "The Future of Social Security Pensions in Japan:A Review of the 2014 Government Actuary Report"
(205KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.638, January 2015.
- 14.Aug.2013 "Intergenerational Equity and the Gender Gap in Pension Issues"
(816KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.605, August 2013.
- 19.Jan.2013 "Closing the Gap between the Retirement Age and the Normal Pensionable Age in Japan"
(507KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.583, January 2013.
- 18.Oct.2012"Japan's 2012 Social Security Pension Reform"
(38KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.574, October 2012.
- 24.Sep.2012"Matching Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in Japan"
(390KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.570, September 2012.
- 30.Mar.2012"Does a Bad Start Lead to a Bad Finish in Japan?"
(505KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.547, March 2012.
- 30.Mar.2012"The Japanese Longitudinal Survey on Employment and Fertility (LOSEF): Essential Features of the 2011 Internet Version and a Guide to Its Users"
(12.9MB) PIE/CIS-DP no.546, March 2012.
- 28.Nov.2011"Pension Reform in Greece: A Discussion"
(79.2KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.528, November 2011.
- 16.Dec.2010"Pension Record-keeping Problems in Japan"
(128KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.496, December 2010.
- 15.May.2009 "On Fifty Million Floating Pension Records in Japan "
(82KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.433, May 2009.
- 04.Aug.2008 "Pension Coverage in Japan"
(113KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.433, August 2008.
- 26.Mar.2007 "The Search for More Equitable Pensions Between Generations"
PIE/CIS-DP no.324, March 2007.
- 13.Dec.2006 "Why Not Change the Working Style of Men in Japan?"
(37KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.282, December 2006.
- 06.Oct.2005 "Social Security Pensions and Intergenerational Equity: The Japanese Case"
PIE/CIS-DP no.282, October 2005.
- 12.Sep.2005 "Rise and Fall of the Opting-out Plan in Japanese Pensions: A Brief Note"
(26KB) PIE/CIS-DP no.277, January 2005.
- 01.Jul.2005 "Reforming Social Security Pensions in Japan: A Balance Sheet Approach"
(PDF (64KB) / Figures(22KB)) Chapter 6 of Pensions in Asia
- 22.Mar.2005 "Pension Reform in Japan"
PIE/CIS-DP no.253, March 2005.
- 11.Jan.2005 "Demography and Ageing"
(230KB) (with Ogawa, N.), PIE/CIS-DP no.251, September 2005.
- 28.May.2004 "The Balance Sheet Approach to Reforming Social Security Pensions in Japan" (PDF (37KB) / Figures(22KB) / Presentation Sheets(83KB))
presented at Joint PBC-IMF Seminar on China's Monetary Policy Transimission Mechanism, Beijing, April 12-13 May, 2004
- 25.Nov.2003 "The Japanese Public Pension System: What Went Wrong and What Reform Measures We Have" (PDF (107KB) / Figures(31KB) / Presentation Sheets(77KB))
a paper presented at the international conference on Japan and Italy: Economic Performances and Policies Compared, Bocconi University, Milano, 9-10 October 2003.
- 25.Nov.2003 "A Balance Sheet Approach to Reforming Social Security Pensions in Japan: Is NDC the Answer?" (PDF (38KB) / Figures(45KB) / Presentation Sheets(76KB))
a paper presented at World Bank & RFV Conference on NDC Pension Schemes,
Sandhamn, Sweden, 29-30 September, 2003.
- 25.Nov.2003 "Pension Reform of PRC: Incentives, Governance and Policy Options" (PDF (77KB) / Figures(84KB) / Presentation Sheets(239KB))
a paper presented at the ADB Institute 5th Anniversary Conference on Challenges and New Agenda for PRC, 5-6 December 2002.
- 18.Jan.2002 "An Evaluation of Korean National Pension Scheme with a Special Reference to Japanese Experience"
(62.6KB) a paper submitted to the Proceedings of the International Symposium for Sharing Productive Welfare Experience, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea and the World Bank, held at Seoul, September 2001.
- 05.Jun.2002 "Never-ending Reforms of Social Security in Japan"
(PDF (47KB) / Figures(74KB)
International Social Security Review 2002.
- 05.Jun.2002 "Taste of Pie: What Matter in Japanese Public Pensions?"
(40.9KB) a paper submitted to the Global Horizons Seminar on Pensions and Lifetime Savings, held at House Ways and Means Committe Room, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, 24 May 2002, sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and the Smith Institute.
- 07.Nov.2001 "The Keynote Address : Reform of Public and Private Pensions in Japan "
(108KB) the keynote address presented at the 9th annual colloquium of superannuation reserchers on reform of superannuation and pensions, the Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, July 2001.
- 01.Nov.2001 "Pension Reform in Japan at the Turn of the Century"
(133KB) Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, October 2001.
- 07.Mar.2001 "Japanese Social Security Pensions in the Twenty-first Century"
(199KB) presented at the international seminar on pensions held at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 5-7 March 2001.
- 31.Mar.2000 "The Outline of the 1999 Pension Reform Bill in Japan"
(25.8KB) a paper explaining the essence of the new bill submitted to Parliament in July 1999 and approved by it in March 2000.
- 31.Mar.2000 "An Outline of the Defined-contribution Pension Plan - Japan's Version of the 401(k) Plan -"
(14.2KB) a paper explaining the essence of the new bill to be submitted to Parliament in fall, 2000. JETRO Investment News, No. 21, March 2000
- 03.Sep.1999 "Demographic Changes, Economic Downturn and the Pension Reform Debate in Japan"
(67.1KB) a paper presented at the SPRC workshop on Social Security in the Context of Social Development in East and Southeast Asia, Social Policy Research Center, University of New South Wales, Sydney, September 2-3, 1999.
- 27.Jun.1999 "Financing Retirement in Aging Societies: The Japanese Case"
(74.6KB) a paper submitted to the Symposium on Building the Financial System
of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Japan & the United States, Kyoto,
June 25-27, 1999: program on international financial systems, Harvard Law
School and Japan Institute of International Affairs.
- 31.Oct.1998 " Financial Balancing between Work and Retirement in Aging Populations : The Japan Case"
(41.8KB) a paper presented at the INED conference commemorating Sauvy's 100th Anniversary, Paris, October, 1998.
(35.8KB) a paper stated at ILO-OECD workshop on Development and Reform of Pension Schemes, Paris, December, 1997.
- 19.Dec.1997 "The Economic Status of the Elderly in Japan: Microdata Findings"
(8993KB) Hurd, M, D. & Yashiro, N. eds., The Economic Effects of Aging in the US and Japan, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, pp.241-259, 1997.
- 07.Apr.1997 "The Japanese Model and Uzbekistan (Russian Version)"
(12.8MB) IER Hitotsubashi University DP, no.A-332, April 1997.
- 15.Dec.1996 "Gradual Retirement in Japan: Macro Issues and Policies"
(7808KB) Delsen, L. & Reday-Mulvey, G. eds., Gradual Retirement in the OECD Countries, Dartmouth, pp.135-149, 1996.
- 06.Dec.1996 "Possible Effects of Ageing on the Equilibrium of the Public Pension System in Japan"
(15.5MB) European Economy: Reports and Studies, 3, pp.155-194, 1996.
- 18.Jan.1995 "How to Reconstruct the Economy for Development (with Russian Version) "
(12.8MB) IER Hitotsubashi University DP, no.A-303, January 1995.
- 10.Jan.1995 "The 1994 Reform Bill for Public Pension in Japan: Its Main Contents and Related Discussion"
(9937KB) International Social Security Review, 48, pp.45-65, January 1995.
- 05.Dec.1994 "Preparing Public Pensions for an Old-Aged Society"
(5752KB) Japan Echo, 21, Special Issue, pp.67-71, 1994.
- 01.May.1991 "Household Asset- and Wealth holdings in Japan"
(6807KB) in Noguchi, Y. & Wise, D.A. eds., Aging in the United States and Japan,NBER, pp.85-108, May 1991.
- 01.Dec.1990 "How Much Do Public Pensions Discourage Personal Saving and Induce Early Retirement in Japan?"
(804KB) Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 31(2): pp.87-103, December 1990.
- 23.Apr.1981 "The Distribution of Assets in Japan"
(946KB) Japanese Economic Studies, 9(3), p.87-113, Spring 1981.
- 21.Oct.1980 "A Note on Wealth Distribution in Japan"
(948KB) The Philippine Economic Journal, 44, pp.163-188, 1980.
- 09.Sep.1980 "Over-Time Chages of Size Destribution of Household Income under the Rapid Economic Growth"
(968KB) (with Mizoguchi, T. & Terasaki, Y.), Ohkawa, K. & Kay, B. eds., Asian Secioeconomic Development, University of Tokyo Press, 44, pp.233-266, 1980.
- 03.Dec.1979 "Methods of Decomposing Inequality Measures: A Review Article"
(342KB) Economic Journal of Musashi University, 27(3.4.5), pp.411- 420, December 1979.
- 31.May.1979 "Poverty, Income Inequality, and Their Measures: Professor Sen's Axiomatic
Approach Reconsidered"
(483KB) Econometrica, 47(3), May 1979, pp.747-759.
- 05.Dec.1977 "Censored Income Distributions and the Measurement of Poverty"
(972KB) (with Hamada, K.), Bull. Int. Stat. Inst., XLZ(1), pp.617- 632, 1977.
- 08.Apr.1974 "Coefficient of Variation: A Geometrical Exposition"
(142KB) mimeo., April 1974.