著書・編著のご案内Takayama, N., “Pension Reform: Global Solutions and Japanese Experiences,” (Chinese Version, translated by Dr. Xinmei Wang) China Financial & Economic Publishing House, June 2023, ISBN: 9787509568170, 277p.
Hinz, R., Holzmann, R., Tuesta, D. and Takayama, N. eds., “Matching Contributions for Pensions,” The World Bank, October 2012, ISBN: 9780821394922, 356p.
CONTENTSPart I. Introduction and Conceptual Issues 1. Early Lessons from Country Experience with Matching Contribution Schemes 3 2. Policies to Encourage Private Pension Savings: Evidence from OECD Countries 27 Part II. High-Income Country Experience 3. Matching Contributions in 401(k) Plans in the United States 53 4. Riester Pensions in Germany: Design, Dynamics, Targeting Success, and Crowding-In 81 5. New Zealand’s Experience with the KiwiSaver Scheme 103 6. The Impact of Matching on Savings in the U.K. Savings Gateway Program 133 7. Matching Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in Japan 145 8. Matching Contributions and Compliance in Korea’s National Pension Program 161 Part III. Middle-Income Country Experience 9. Complementing Chile’s Pensions with Subsidized Youth Employment and Contributions 179 10. Matching Contributions in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru: Experiences and Prospects 193 Part IV. Developing Country Experience 11. China’s Pension Schemes for Rural and Urban Residents 217 12. Learning from the Early Experience of India’s Matching Defined Contribution Scheme 243 13. Using Prepaid Contributions to Cover Mobile Workers in Cape Verde and Tunisia 261 14. Thailand’s Matching Defi ned Contribution Programs for the Informal Sector 275 Part V. Behavioral and Design Issues 15. Matching Contributions and Savings Outcomes: A Behavioral Economics Perspective 289 16. Implementation Issues in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 311 Noriyuki Takayama ed. "Reforming Pensions for Civil and Military Servants" Published from Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo, December 2011. JPY6,000 cloth, ISBN 978-4-621-08469-4
Chapter 1: Pension Schemes for Public-Sector Workers: An International
Perspective Noriyuki Takayama ed. "Priority Challenges in Pension Administration" Published from Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo, January 2011. JPY8,000 cloth, ISBN 978-4-621-08345-1
CONTENTSChapter 1: Collection of Social Contributions: Current Practice and Critical Issues Chapter 2: The Use of Information and Communication Technologies to Improve Public Service Delivery and Recognition of Citizen Rights in Brazil Chapter 3: Customer-oriented Services and Information: Enhancing Public Pension Awareness in Canada and Why it Matters Chapter 4: Effective and Efficient ICT Strategies to Support Pension Administration in Denmark Chapter 5: Extending Pension Coverage in Germany: The Employment Insurance Approach Chapter 6: Pension Record-keeping Problems in Japan Chapter 7: Improving the Administration of Problem Groups in the National Pension System: The Case of Korea Chapter 8: Focus on Client Orientation: Service Delivery of the Dutch State Pensionsy Chapter 9: Customer-oriented Services and Information: Experiences from Sweden Chapter 10: National Insurance Administration in the UK Chapter 11: Ensuring Appropriate Information Management and Data Quality at the United States Social Security Administration Chapter 12: Recent Developments in the Collection of Social Contributions Chapter 13: The Collection of Pension Contributions: A Comparative Review of Three Central European Countries Chapter 14: An Analysis of Provident and Pension Fund Administration in Selected Asian Countries Chapter 15: Future Challenges in Pension Administration Noriyuki Takayama and Martin Werding eds. "FERTILIY AND PUBLIC POLICY: How to Reverse the Trend of Declining Birth Rates" Published from the MIT Press, 2011. $35.00/£25.95 cloth, ISBN 978-0-262-01451-9, CESifo Seminar series
CONTENTSChapter 1: Fertility and Public Policy: An Introduction Chapter 2: The Economics of the Family and Its Policy Implications: Why Should We Care about Fertility Outcomes? Chapter 3: Low Fertility and Population Aging in Germany and Japan: Prospects and Policies Chapter 4: Effects of Public Policies and the Labor Market on the Fertility of Japanese Women: Analyses of Municipal Data Chapter 5: On the Persistence of Low Birthrates in Japan Chapter 6: An Evaluation of a Pronatal Subsidy in Korea: A Quasi-experimental Approach Chapter 7: Fertility Transition and Its Socioeconomic Impacts in China Chapter 8: Fertility and Social Policy Chapter 9: Family Policies and Fertility in Sweden Chapter 10: Does Fertility Respond to Work and Family-life Reconciliation Policies in France? Chapter 11: Given That People Live Longer, Why Should We Worry That Fewer Are Born? 『年金と子ども手当』 岩波書店、2010年3月刊. ISBN978-4-00-009917-2
2007年春に約5000万件の記録漏れが発覚した日本の年金。その記録漏れは今も生じており、将来もゼロにはできない。宙に浮いた年金記録はアメリカで2.5億件、イギリスで1.2億件も存在する。日本の年金水準は下げていくはずであったのにもかかわらず、デフレ下で逆に上昇しつづけている。子ども手当の導入で利益が多いのは、共稼ぎ世帯よりも専業主婦世帯である……等々驚きの新事実を明らかにする。 本の注文はこちらです |
第1章 日本における年金記録問題
第2章 諸外国における年金記録問題と税・社会保険料の一体徴収
第3章 基礎年金の見直し−税方式化と最低保障年金化をめぐって−
第4章 年金の2009年財政検証に寄せて
第5章 子ども手当の導入効果
In high-income countries, the percent of the population covered under mandatory old-age pension programs is typically high but often incomplete; in low- and middle-income countries, coverage is low and even stagnant. At the same time, older people are less able to rely on family and community support as a result of growing urbanization and migration. And low-income workers and the poor simply cannot save enough to prepare for their old age. As a response, many countries are considering or have already implemented various forms of retirement income transfers aiming to guarantee a minimum level of income during old age. Despite the growing popularity of these programs, research assessing their success has been limited. Closing the Coverage Gap: The Role of Social Pensions and Other Retirement Income Transfers brings together a group of renowned academics, policy analysts, and policy makers working in the area of pensions and public policy. They discuss how social pensions and other retirement income transfers can be used to close the coverage gap of mandatory pension systems: how they operate, when they can be appropriate, and how to make them work. The book reviews the experiences of low-, middle-, and high-income countries with the design and implementation of retirement income transfers. The book analyzes design issues related to financing, incentives, targeting mechanisms, and administration, and also identifies the role of promising instruments such as matching contributions to reach parts of the informal sector. |
Chapter 1: Overview and Preliminary Policy Guidance
David A. Robalino and Robert Holzmann
Chapter 2: Measuring the Coverage Gap
Alvaro Forteza, Leonardo Luccheti, and Montserrat Pallares-Miralles
Chapter 3: Pensions and Old-Age Poverty
Stephen Kidd and Edward Whitehouse
Chapter 4: Rights-Based Approach to Social Security Coverage Expansion
Krzysztof Hagemejer
Chapter 5: Social Pensions in Low-Income Countries
Armando Barrientos
Chapter 6: Social Pensions in Four Middle-Income Countries
Mukul G. Asher
Chapter 7: Social Pensions in High-Income Countries
Mark Pearson and Edward Whitehouse
Chapter 8: Pension Coverage in Japan
Noriuki Takayama
Chapter 9: The Role of Social Pensions in the Republic of Korea
Hyungpyo Moon
Chapter 10: Incentive Effects of Retirement Income Transfers
John Piggot, David A. Robalino, and Sergi Jimenez-Martin
Chapter 11: Financing Social Pensions
Alain Jousten
Chapter 12: Defining Eligibility for Social Pensions: A View from a Social Assistance Perspective
Margaret Grosh and Phillippe Leite
Chapter 13: Matching Defined Contributions: A Way to Increase Pension Coverage
Robert Palacios and David A. Robalino
Chapter 14: Administration of Social Pension Programs
Oleksiy Sluchynsky
source and copyright holder: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank
日本は人口減少の時代に入り、少子高齢化社会に突入しました。少子化はなぜ発生し、どのように進行してきたのか、このような人口変化は社会経済にいかなる影響を及ぼしているのか。これらは現代日本が直面する大問題であり、喫緊の研究課題です。本書は、経済学がそれらの課題にたいしてどこまで答えることができるかを、理論的および計量的な視角から追求しました。2000年から足掛け5年にわたって行なってきた共同研究の成果です。 本の注文はこちらです |
序章 少子化経済の課題と展望
第T部 少子化と雇用・賃金
第1章 国際比較からみた日本の少子化と少子化対策
第2章 少子化の経済的インパクト
第3章 企業における高齢者の活用
第4章 就業に関する中高年と若年の対立とその後
第5章 少結婚化と賃金・雇用制度
第U部 人口減少下の財政と金融
第6章 少子高齢化と財政収支・経常収支
第7章 世代間不均衡と財政改革
第8章 子育て支援と年金改革
第9章 人口減少経済と金融政策
第10章 少子高齢化と家計のポートフォリオ選択
Asia is a region of demographic variety. Several Asian countries are currently experiencing a very rapid population ageing. The pension schemes in Asian countries face a big challenge under the population ageing. |
Chapter 1 Public Pension Schemes: Labour Market and Compliance Issues by W. M. McGillivray
Chapter 2 A Macro Analysis of China Pension Pooling System: Financial Problem and Incentive Issuesby Vivian Y. Chen
Chapter 3 Taiwan: Compulsory Occupational Pensions Under Reform by Shean-Bii Chiu
Chapter 4 Retirement Income Protection in Hong Kong by Iris Chi
Chapter 5 Country Report: India by R. Vaidyanathan
Chapter 6 Reforming Social Security Pensions in Japan: A Balance Sheet Approach by Noriyuki Takayama
Chapter 7 The Past and Future of Korean Pension System: A Proposal for a Coordinated Development of Public-Private Pensions by Hanam S. Phang
Chapter 8 Malaysia: Pension & Financial Market Reforms and Key Issues
on Governance by R. Thillainathan
Chapter 9 Retirement Financing in Singapore by Mukul G. Asher
Chapter 10 Pension Fund, Provident Fund and Social Security System in Thailand by Niwat Kanjanaphoomin
2004年の年金改正法案を斬る!年金保険料を引き上げてよいのか。給付を一律に引き下げてよいのか。地に堕ちた年金制度への信頼を回復するための具体的提言。年金研究の総決算。 600兆円にもおよぶ巨額の追加資金(年金の債務超過額)をこれからどのように負担していくのか。そして若い世代の年金制度に対する信頼をどのように取り戻すのか。この2つの基本問題に具体的に回答すること――それが本書の目的にほかならない。もとめられているのは「負担の構造改革」である。 本の注文はこちらです |
第T部 日本の公的年金改革
第1章 いま公的年金はどうなっている
第2章 2004年改正案の主要内容
第3章 2004年の改正案を検討する
第4章 年金制度の抜本改革
第U部 世界における最近の年金改革
第5章 スウェーデン
第6章 ドイツとフランス
第7章 チリ、シンガポール、オーストラリアなど
第V部 年金論争の10年間
第8章 民営化や積立方式への移行をめぐる年金論争
第W部 むすび
第9章 信頼と安心
日本をめぐる内外の状況は今日、過去のそれとは根本的に異なる。欧米へのキャッチアップを念頭においた日本の従来型経済制度や政策体系では新しい時代を首尾よく乗り切っていけないだろう。 |
第1章 日本の金融制度 (池尾和人)
第2章 日本の金融政策 (斉藤 誠)
第3章 日本の財政政策 (井堀利宏・川出真清)
第4章 日本の財政投融資 (岩本康志)
第5章 日本の年金政策 (高山憲之)
第6章 日本の医療政策 (鴇田忠彦)
第7章 わが国における雇用政策の特徴とその推移 (樋口美雄)
第8章 日本の賃金制度と労働市場 (中村二朗・大橋勇雄)
第9章 日本型コーボレート・ガバナンス(星 岳雄)
第10章 日本の対外経済政策 (伊藤 隆敏)
第11章 日本の経済政策と経済研究とりわけ政策評価について (三輪芳朗・J.M. Ramseyer)
The social security pension systems in developed countries are now quite unpopular, especially among the youth. Policymakers in these countries have been forced to reduce the generosity of the existing pay-as-you-go defined benefit pensions. Part of the lost benefits is replaced by pensions from funded defined contribution individual accounts, but many difficulties still remain. When it comes to social security pensions, by far the most important question is whether or not they are worth buying. For funded occupational and personal pensions, investment risk, increased administration costs, annuitization and distributional concerns are still major obstacles. Missing are better instruments to minimize risks involved in the funded system. No contributory pension scheme, public or private, PAYG or funded, DB or DC, can meet its objectives unless contributors comply. Contributors today are ultimately concerned with the taste of pie, rather than its size or its division. Are the pension provisions incentive-compatible? Is compliance effectively enforced? This volume is devoted to searching for better pension provisions in developed countries. It contains reports on major developed countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. It also deals with critical pension reform issues. |
Part I Country Report
Chapter 1 The Australian Approach to Retirement Income Provision by Hazel Bateman and John Piggott
Chapter 2 Sustaining Public Pensions in Canada: A Tale of Two Reforms by Ken Battle
Chapter 3 A New Chapter in German Pension Policy: The "2001 Pension Reform" Based on a Paradigm Shift by Winfried Schmaehl
Chapter 4 Italy: The Search for a Sustainable PAYG Pension System by Daniele Franco
Chapter 5 Pension Arrangements in the Oldest Country: The Japanese Case by Noriyuki Takayama
Chapter 6 Singapore's Central Provident Fund: The Pitfalls of a Single Tier System by Mukul Asher and David Newman
Chapter 7 Pension Reform in Sweden by Edward Palmer
Chapter 8 The United Kingdom Pension System: Key Issues by David Blake
Chapter 9 New Trends in US Pensions by Olivia Mitchell
Part II Issues on Pension Reform
Chapter 10 Evaluating Fundamental Pension Reform in Japan and in the United States by Gary Burtless
Chapter 11 Ten Years of Public Pensions Reform by Warren R. McGillivray
年金は、生活の安らぎと社会の活力のための必修科目。年金不信をどう払拭し、年金不安をどう解消するか。さらには「積立方式化」「民営化」「女性と年金」などの争点をどう整理したらよいか。主要な年金問題をやさしく解説し、老後不安の解消策を具体的に提示した、一般読者向けの新書。1999年の年金改正法(2000年3月28日、可決・成立)についても簡潔に紹介している。4刷(2000年10月)にさいして、新法成立をふまえ文章表現を一部改めた。三省堂書店神田本店ベストセラー・ランキングで第2位(「新書」部門、2000年2月4日〜2月10日)、丸善日本橋店ベストセラー・ランキングで第3位(「新書」部門、2000年2月10日〜2月16日)等を記録した。2004年4月27日に8刷目がリリースされました。 |
第1章 つのる不信・強まる不安
第2章 世代間の負担格差は縮小できるのか
第3章 財政方式の選択 ──積立方式への切りかえや民営化はどこまで有効か
第4章 基礎年金の財源調達 ──保険料徴収ベースを消費支出に切りかえよ
第5章 平均余命はさらに伸びる ──受給開始年齢の引き上げか拠出年数の延長か
第6章 女性と年金 ──専業主婦優遇批判を超えて
第7章 厚生年金基金の代行制度 ──廃止をもとめる民意を無視しつづけてよいのか
第8章 負担を分配する時代へ
参考1 だれでもわかる年金制度 ──現行制度の概要
参考2 1999年の年金改革法
In the late 1990's, the asset bubble in Japan finally burst. The party, so to speak, is now over. And as the "morning after" dawns, Japan is left with a population in decline, a disproportionately large cohort of pensioners, and an ailing economy with which to support them. As to when exactly the Japanese themselves will wake up to this situation remains an open question. This volume studies the economic consequences of a declining population and of too generous a benefit of the social security pension. It aims to deepen the public understanding as to how the present social security programs are working and whether or not the programs are sustainable. It clarifies the relative economic status of the elderly including those in extended family and of the active population, explains causes of a move towards early retirement and of higher labor force participation for the male elderly in Japan, identifies the main factors underlying the different employment status of married women, examines the wealth formation process throughout the life cycle including household saving behavior, and shows how bequest motivation has functioned in Japan. |
1980年代後半以降、日本の経済のストック経済化が急速に進んだ。しかし、資料の制約等もあり、個々の家計資産の実態はこれまで必ずしも明らかではなかった。本書は、『全国消費実態調査』をはじめとする各種のデータを縦横に駆使して、家計資産保有の実態、家計部門の消費・貯蓄行動、公的年金と貯蓄・就労の関係、税制の所得再分配機能、 を分析したものである。マイクロ・データを利用した日本で初めての本格的研究であり、日本経済研究に新機軸を切り拓いたものである。 経済企画庁で4年4ヶ月の年月をかけて精力的に行われた研究成果を一書にとりまとめたもの。好評発売中。 |
全国消費実態調査(1989年)等の個票データを分析した研究書。 『ストック・エコノミー』の続編。1996年度の日経・経済図書文化賞を受賞。 2004年1月復刊。好評発売中。 |